Raw Beautiful Me
The Journey to find my inner beauty....
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Finished Painting
I finally finished the Painting I did for my sister's birthday. I actually refinished it. haha. The first time I did the painting it has a blue background that had a textured effect to it. The more I looked at it, the more I decided that it wasnt what I was going for. I wanted a richer background with more detail. Something that would make the mask stand out on it. I think I got what I wanted this time around. I am going to see her tomorrow and I can't wait to give it to her.

Saturday, June 26, 2010
On the Up and Up
Things are going very well here. I am working like crazy. I have been going out after work and walking/jogging. It has been really hot but I still go. That is very draining. I am trying to get into a gym, I just wish that they didnt want you to sign a contract. That kills me. Oh well. we will see what happens.
My very good friend has a book signing today. I am sad that I have to work and will be unable to attend. He did sign my book for me yesterday though. I started reading it and was surprised at how interesting it is. It is the Weiser's Field Guide to Vampires by J.M. Dixon. It takes you back and goes through everything, myths, legends, supposed encounters. The idea of vampires from different Regions and Cultures. I found that I started reading and couldn't put it down. It is very well written and I found myself wishing that my books from college were that informative and entertaining. If you have any interest in the idea of vampires and how it came about then I really do suggest you take a glance.
I have finished my application for the Peace Corps. I am just waiting to hear about an interview to go over my application and then get the rest of everything rolling, such as my medical and dental clearance. It is going to be a tedious process... it already has been... but I think it will be totally worth it in the end. I have to requested any specific placements, I am happy to go wherever. So we will see what happens.
Weight Watchers is still going well. I had weigh-in a day early yesterday because I am working today. I lost another 2.2 pounds... so I think that puts me at 11.4 pounds lost. :) That is excellent.

Saturday, June 19, 2010
Weight Watchers is Working
So I have lost a total of 9 pounds. That is with 4 weeks of sticking to the program with very good days and days that didn't go quite so well. I am very excited with the results. :)
I have been slacking in my walking, but I am going to get back to it. I have decided that I am not going to let outside forces affect my ability to take care of myself, I will just be a lot more cautious than I was before.
My whole family is really supporting me on this whole Weight Watchers thing. They think it is great and the best thing for me to do at this point in my life. I have to agree with them. My grandmother just told me that she has taken it upon herself to put a dollar in an envelope for me for every pound that I drop. haha. She is awesome. Though I have to wonder if that means she will take money away if I gain.... Best to not think about that. :)
So on another note... I have completed my application to the peace corps and have submitted it. I am totally excited about it. I am really hoping that I get selected to go. It would be an amazing adventure. So it is now a waiting game, to see first if I get an interview, and second if I get selected. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I did not specify a region I would like to be in, so I have no idea if I get places whereabout it will be... It kind of makes it that much more exciting.
Friday, June 04, 2010
Moving More
If you are like me.... the idea of simply going out and walking doesn't sounds very appealing. I bring my iPod loaded up with my favorite songs to listen to while I drive to work and I start my walk. Halfway through I am ready to stop. I am bored, hot, and just plain done. Getting me go out walking has always been a chore. I stop wanting to go. I figure... who will know if I really don't go out today????
I found a way to change all of that for me... and I found a way to keep my walks entertaining.
First.... I got new Nike+ shoes and a Nike+kit. If you have not seen
this thing you should check it out. It is a flat chip that goes into your sneakers and it counts how far you walk,calories burned, average pace, etc. It sync with your iPod so you can listen to your music while you run or walk and get spoken updates on your progress while you go. The best thing about the whole thing is that you can sync your runs/walks to Nike+ online. When you do that you get to create a Mini. This is an avatar that represents your running persona. When you do not exercise your mini is bored. When you do exercise your mini is full of energy and fun to watch. This has really motivated me to keep my mini happy.... you can also link your mini and progress onto your twitter account or facebook page. This has helped me also because I don't want people to think I am lazy. lol. (The Pic is of my Nike+ Mini... Isn't she CUTE!!!!)
Since I have to be to work at 5:30am and it takes me 30 minutes to get to work... I get up pretty early and by the time I get home at 5:00pm I am worn out. I don't feel like going out and walking or anything else for that matter... So I have been getting up earlier. It works out great because I gets me pumped up for the day and by the time my high wears off I am driving home anyways. PERFECT. But to help get my adrenaline rushing I decided to change the types of songs on my workout playlist on my iPod. I have a couple of everyday songs that I love, but then the rest of silly and fun songs that make me laugh and just want to up and dance around the room like a crazy person. And that I what I do when I walk.... I dance too. (It is 3:00am... there is no one awake to see my foolishness). I got this idea while at a Weight Watchers Meeting... the topic of discussion was how we needed to Move More... I thought of my nieces and how they dance to everything. They love music and don't care who the dance in front of. I thought... wouldn't it be great to have that much energy again. So I decided to give it s shot. I chose a 'Power Song' that I play towards the end of my workout when I am getting tired and bored.... It is 'I think we're alone now' by Tiffany. That song comes on and I can't help it... I am skipping down the street, jumping, shuffling my feet, pumping my arms in the air, turning in circles, etc. It may sound dumb or corny, but it really gives me that push to go a little bit longer on my walk, get the sweat flowing, and give me an adrenaline rush that lasts throughout the entire day. I don't care how stupid I look dancing in the middle of my walk outside... It is worth it to me. After that is done, I pick a favorite slow song and walk for another 5 minutes to cool down before I go inside.
(to put it into perspective...when I started walking it was all I could do to make myself stay out for 15 minutes before growing tired and bored.... since I started adding the dancing to my routine I have increased to about an hour routine). Something must be working.
I have weigh-in tomorrow so we will see how this holds up on the weight loss front.
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Trying Something New
So I have come to find out the Raw Vegan life jus isnt for me at this point in time... I might come back to it later on down the road after I get myself under control. BUT that does not mean that I am not going to strive to get healthier. I went off completely of my raw vegan diet. I weighed in almost two weeks ago at 236.4 pounds. EEEEKKKK!!!!
So yeah... No good. But I have joined weight watchers.... I was very reluctant to join at first. I always saw it as something that old people did. lol. I remember my grandmother doing it with her church friends. hahaha. But my friends and family all thought that it was a great idea so I bit the bullet and went to a meeting to see if I could stand it. I had a great time, and I was very happy to see such a huge range of ages and sizes there. It made me feel a little more at ease. So meeting one 236.4 pounds. I got my point book and heard some great ideas and then went off to try one week on my own. I strayed a bit but for the most part I was right on point with my allowed points and everything. They want you to hit your point goal exactly each day. I felt like I was eating soooo much, and therefore even contemplated skipping meeting the next week. I was sure that I had gained weight. lol. But I went and SURPRISE! I lost 3.4 pounds. I am now at 233 pounds and am very anxious to see what weigh-in on Saturday is going to yield. (I took the batteries out of my home scale due to my obsession with stepping on the scale).
This week my goal is to make weight watchers recipes and see how that goes (food photos to come!) and move more. Overall I am feeling fantastic.
I will post about those things in the next couple of days.
(oh still operating with a camera phone for the time being. I swear I will get a real digital camera soon. Any suggestions???)
So yeah... No good. But I have joined weight watchers.... I was very reluctant to join at first. I always saw it as something that old people did. lol. I remember my grandmother doing it with her church friends. hahaha. But my friends and family all thought that it was a great idea so I bit the bullet and went to a meeting to see if I could stand it. I had a great time, and I was very happy to see such a huge range of ages and sizes there. It made me feel a little more at ease. So meeting one 236.4 pounds. I got my point book and heard some great ideas and then went off to try one week on my own. I strayed a bit but for the most part I was right on point with my allowed points and everything. They want you to hit your point goal exactly each day. I felt like I was eating soooo much, and therefore even contemplated skipping meeting the next week. I was sure that I had gained weight. lol. But I went and SURPRISE! I lost 3.4 pounds. I am now at 233 pounds and am very anxious to see what weigh-in on Saturday is going to yield. (I took the batteries out of my home scale due to my obsession with stepping on the scale).
This week my goal is to make weight watchers recipes and see how that goes (food photos to come!) and move more. Overall I am feeling fantastic.
I will post about those things in the next couple of days.
(oh still operating with a camera phone for the time being. I swear I will get a real digital camera soon. Any suggestions???)
Friday, April 23, 2010

So to celebrate I planted myself a little indoor garden for my bay window. I am hoping that I can keep everything alive! I found some very pretty Impatients, Pansies, Ivy (which was on sale because for some reason the nursery didn't see fit to water it after Easter was over. But I think I can get it thriving again).

Did anyone else do anything for Earth Day? I know that there were little festivals around town over the past couple of weeks. I went to Coolidge part for one and had a picnic there. It was a very nice outting.

Thursday, March 11, 2010
Found a Job
So I found another job. I was offered a position with Up Communications... They do the satellite installations for Dish Network. I got a job being a warehouse inventory assistant. I am actually pretty excited about the position. It is a lot of work and it require a lot of physical activity. I think it will be good for me. I really dislike sitting in an office all day. It allows for too many distractions and too much free time to snack and eat things that I shouldn't. Anyways...The pay is better than I was making, I get 100% of my benefits paid for, and I will be working a 4 days on and 3 days off schedule. I think in the long run it will be really good. I had to go for my drug test yesterday, so after they get the results of that in they will schedule a date for me to start working. I think my schedule might be from Sunday-Wednesday. 40 hours a week. So that is pretty fantastic.
In the meantime I am trying to keep busy. I have been knitting and am currently working on the sleeves to my sweater. :) Maybe I will get this thing done by the time next winter rolls around. haha.
I have also been working on my mother's christmas present. It is gorgeous and I think that she will really like it. I am going to have to get a new digital camera so that I can take pictures of all of these projects and post them. My phone camera is just crap. lol. So once I get a steady paycheck going again, and I get some money saved up, I will get a camera and start posting pictures that are worth looking at. :)
I have tried a few more raw recipes as well that I want to post pictures of, so I will be doing that soon too.
Keep checking back! Things are about to get better all around!
In the meantime I am trying to keep busy. I have been knitting and am currently working on the sleeves to my sweater. :) Maybe I will get this thing done by the time next winter rolls around. haha.
I have also been working on my mother's christmas present. It is gorgeous and I think that she will really like it. I am going to have to get a new digital camera so that I can take pictures of all of these projects and post them. My phone camera is just crap. lol. So once I get a steady paycheck going again, and I get some money saved up, I will get a camera and start posting pictures that are worth looking at. :)
I have tried a few more raw recipes as well that I want to post pictures of, so I will be doing that soon too.
Keep checking back! Things are about to get better all around!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Laid Off / Therapy
So last Friday I received word that the office I am currently working in would be going to a part time office and my position will no longer be available. I was then informed that I had a week before the changes were in effect. Needless to say I am pissed and shocked. Nevermind that yesterday they called me and asked me to stay on another week. I am still going to be without a job come the second week in March. This is so not good. I have been applying for jobs like my life depended on it, and thus far have had two job interviews in less than a week. I guess that is good. I am trying to stay positive about it, but I can't sleep at night and I rotate from wanting to eat everything in sight to not wanting to eat anything. It is terrible.
To keep my sanity I have been sucked into various romantic "smut" novels so that I
can read of a life the doesnt remotely remsemble mine. lol. And the other day I actually put together my terrarium. I got a pink mushroom farm to put ontop of the "mood" moss that I bought for it. The pink mushrooms came with a little pink worm/snake. So I put him in there too. I accidently popped off three of the mushroom caps so I will have ro reattach them in the next couple of days. Lets hope that I am able to keep the moss alive and growing.

Has anyone made a terrarium? I could use any tips that you might have! :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Raw Food Lunch
So I have been making raw foods..... I am not 100% raw but I am working on it.
And the fruit was sooo good. I used honey tangerines instead of oranges. They were yummy!
Todays Lunch... Green Soup and Bananas and oranges.
I wish I could say that the green soup was as good as it looks. I was not the biggest fan to be honest. I feel like it wasnt thick enough and that it was missing something. I am not sure what. Has anyone had any success with green soups? This one is basically a cucumber soup. I am open to try something else if someone has an idea that would work.

Mr. Baggins
So..... I got a new friend!
I had told myself that after my pet cat (which I didnt get along with at all) that I was totally off pets. Then I came across a lady who had surprise half Giant Flemish bunnies and wanted to get rid of them as soon as possible. Apparently she had a female Giant Flemish and a male lionhead and because of the difference she didn't think that they could mate. So that is how Mr. Baggins came to be and how he came to be in my life.
He is growing faster than expected and I had to build him a huge rabbit cage.
I made it out of those stackable wire storage cubes... I think they are Neat Idea Cubes (NIC). It was a pain in the butt doing it all by myself (Jesse and I are no longer dating). But I finally got all of the walls built, I laid black vinyl flooring on particle board for the shelves and floor of the cabe. I used the bottom of his old cage as his litter pan (he is totally litter trained) and he has a little tent at the top to sleep in. He is super cute! Since he is litter trained I let him out in the morning when I get ready for work and in the evening when I get home from work. He just hops around and when he needs to use the potty get goes back into his cage! It is awesome! He has discovered that he is big enough now to jump up onto the couch and my bed, so lately he thinks that he owns the house. We have had to have a few talking tos..... well as much as you can scold a super cute bunny names Mr. Baggins!. He seems to love his bigger cage too. Though it did take some getting used to. The first night he fell of the top floor all the way to the bottom. I am sad to say that I laughed first and then made sure he was ok... He is fine. He is a tough bunny... he slipps all the way down the stairs too, but it doesnt seem to slow him down.

He is growing faster than expected and I had to build him a huge rabbit cage.

In reading the breed specs for the flemish giant.... it appears that if he doesnt get enough of that lionshead breed in him I may be looking at a 20-30 pound rabbit. Lord help me if he gets that big! I will post updated pictures as he gets bigger! 

I am looking at getting a little angora bunny too! That would be sooooo cute! We shall see what happens there.

Thursday, January 28, 2010
I dont know what is wrong with me. I am so mad at myself.
I can't seem to get into the swing of things with going Raw again. I don't know why I am having such a hard time. The first time I went raw I just did it. I had no issues right off the bat. What is going on?
I am really angry about this. I am just not feeling the motivation and I dont understand why. I need to figure out something that will get me back into the swing of things.
Even my coworker has gone raw because of our talking and she is loving it. You would think that would be enough to get my butt in gear!
Anyone have any suggestions? I am hanging on by a thread!
I can't seem to get into the swing of things with going Raw again. I don't know why I am having such a hard time. The first time I went raw I just did it. I had no issues right off the bat. What is going on?
I am really angry about this. I am just not feeling the motivation and I dont understand why. I need to figure out something that will get me back into the swing of things.
Even my coworker has gone raw because of our talking and she is loving it. You would think that would be enough to get my butt in gear!
Anyone have any suggestions? I am hanging on by a thread!
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
Have the New Website going with a couple Recipes
So things are going well. I am back into the raw swing of things. It is funny. This time around I do not feel the urge to weigh myself as much. That is a good thing I guess. I am just wanting to feel better, and I know that that will happen and the weight will gradually fall off when it needs to. I am just going to stick with this and not get discouraged.
With that said, Jesse, the boyfriend, has decided to go at this with me and he is doing famously. He is not super thrilled but he is working with it. It is a huge change and I know it is going to take some time for him to get used to the different foods we are eating.
I have logged some of the recipes we have tried on my raw in 2010 webiste so be sure to check it out. Last night we had Spicy Cilantro Pesto Stuffed Mushrooms that were amazing! :) You should give them a shot. There is also a recipe for a citrus green smoothie... It was amazing! and a creamy cashew citrus salad dressing. :)
With that said, Jesse, the boyfriend, has decided to go at this with me and he is doing famously. He is not super thrilled but he is working with it. It is a huge change and I know it is going to take some time for him to get used to the different foods we are eating.
I have logged some of the recipes we have tried on my raw in 2010 webiste so be sure to check it out. Last night we had Spicy Cilantro Pesto Stuffed Mushrooms that were amazing! :) You should give them a shot. There is also a recipe for a citrus green smoothie... It was amazing! and a creamy cashew citrus salad dressing. :)
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Discovered Treasure Trove.....
So... Great things come from unexpected places! I fully believe this.
So I know that I can be a bit.... snobby....when it comes to certain things. So when Jesse told me that he wanted to go to the Flea Market over the Holiday break... I was like... "Oh, ok. That will be interesting." I just had the picture of this dirty place and people trying to sell their used crap. Then I thought that there might be a chance that I could find an old awesome blender or juicer (since I was looking for one to start my raw again 2010 challenge). So the day after Christmas we woke up semi early (The alarm went off at 6:00am but we didn't get out of bed until 8:00am) and then went to the flea market. There were not alot of vendors there, but we figured that once the holidays were over it will be back to its normal booming self. It was an outdoor market so it was freezing, but what I found was totally worth it. No, I didn't find a juicer or blender, but there were migrant workers there that were selling every kind of fruit and vegetable that you can think of! The carrots were the size of my head. There was fresh cabbages, raddishes, tomatoes, some fuzzy thing that I didn't know what it was. I had to ask! Apparently it is a squash of some sort. A little research and I discovered that it was a chayote squash. I think I might have to try one. I felt like they had almost anything you could imagine and the prices were fantastic. They were selling a huge bag of bananas for $1.00.
The Plan is to stop by the market again Sunday and stock up on food for the week. I take pictures and let you know what we get. (just excuse the phone camera pictures until I get a new digital camera).
I also did get my Juicer, but I went to the evil Walmart for it. :) It isnt the best juicer in the world but it will last me until I save up enough money for a high end one. :)
So only a few more days until the challenge starts. I am really excited!
So I know that I can be a bit.... snobby....when it comes to certain things. So when Jesse told me that he wanted to go to the Flea Market over the Holiday break... I was like... "Oh, ok. That will be interesting." I just had the picture of this dirty place and people trying to sell their used crap. Then I thought that there might be a chance that I could find an old awesome blender or juicer (since I was looking for one to start my raw again 2010 challenge). So the day after Christmas we woke up semi early (The alarm went off at 6:00am but we didn't get out of bed until 8:00am) and then went to the flea market. There were not alot of vendors there, but we figured that once the holidays were over it will be back to its normal booming self. It was an outdoor market so it was freezing, but what I found was totally worth it. No, I didn't find a juicer or blender, but there were migrant workers there that were selling every kind of fruit and vegetable that you can think of! The carrots were the size of my head. There was fresh cabbages, raddishes, tomatoes, some fuzzy thing that I didn't know what it was. I had to ask! Apparently it is a squash of some sort. A little research and I discovered that it was a chayote squash. I think I might have to try one. I felt like they had almost anything you could imagine and the prices were fantastic. They were selling a huge bag of bananas for $1.00.
The Plan is to stop by the market again Sunday and stock up on food for the week. I take pictures and let you know what we get. (just excuse the phone camera pictures until I get a new digital camera).
I also did get my Juicer, but I went to the evil Walmart for it. :) It isnt the best juicer in the world but it will last me until I save up enough money for a high end one. :)
So only a few more days until the challenge starts. I am really excited!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Nookie Nookie
For an early Christmas present I received the Barnes and Noble Nook from my mother. My sister and I both got one. We actually got really lucky because I think that she ordered them on the first day they came available for pre-order. So we were not subject to the terrible February 1st shipping date that is now the standard for pre-odering. (If you are one of the ones waiting for your nook... it is worth it!) So after all the delays and push-backs that Barnes and noble had, I finally got my nook! I have to admit that it was totally worth the wait. Never having an e-reader before I was very worried that I would not like not having an actual book in my hands. But I was very pleasantly surprised!
They also have the Nook set up to where you can put your own pictures on it as your screen saver and wallpaper (pic is of my niece Gabi on Halloween) I was able to put pictures of my sister and nieces. It is nice to see their pictures every time I go to read a book. I miss the terribly and am having a hard time adjusting to their moving away. (I went to visit them over the weekend and it was very hard to leave.) You can also transfer MP3's and PDF files to it, so I have started putting some knitting patterns and raw recipes onto it for easier reference. It really works out great from me since I do not have a printer. This is much easier!
It is light weight and does not feel awkward to hold. I find that reading in bed is nice too because my arms are not getting tired from holding up a heavy book while I lay down.
The book selection is great, and have yet to look for a book that I was not able to come across. I was even able to find a few raw books (http://rawagain2010.weebly.com/blog.html) on e-book, so that has been awesome. Barnes and Noble has also starting accepting gift cards for e-books which makes it a lot easier buy me presents. lol.

There are also a lot of covers and accessories available on B&N.com. I was to get a back cover, but I am going to wait until they actually start carrying them in the stores before I get one. I want to make sure I can see the actual colors before I purchase them. My sister has said that she would make me a sleeve for it. I am excited about it because hers is absolutely awesome!. I should get that in the mail from her any day now! :) I will post pictures of it once it comes in.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Raw Again 2010 Challenge
Hello to everyone!
So I have talked with a couple of friends who have decided that they too are going to go raw in 2010 starting in January.... (The boyfriend might even give it a go... he is still skeptical.
I am super excited about this and I can't wait to see how I do. The goal is to stay raw for 365 days. This is going to be a very difficult task, but one that is so rewarding once completed.
To celebrate the kick-off of this personal challenge and to get me even more psyched and motivated I have created a website for it. This new site will track my progress, food prep, emotions, inspirational stories, readings, etc. http://rawagain2010.weebly.com/
Please feel free to check out the new site and post comments for any inspiration, books, etc that you have come across that you think I would enjoy. (Any little bit of support will help keep me going all the longer).
I will still post everyday life stuff here, and will do a quick update on my raw again in 2010 progress, so please keep checking back.
So I have talked with a couple of friends who have decided that they too are going to go raw in 2010 starting in January.... (The boyfriend might even give it a go... he is still skeptical.
I am super excited about this and I can't wait to see how I do. The goal is to stay raw for 365 days. This is going to be a very difficult task, but one that is so rewarding once completed.
To celebrate the kick-off of this personal challenge and to get me even more psyched and motivated I have created a website for it. This new site will track my progress, food prep, emotions, inspirational stories, readings, etc. http://rawagain2010.weebly.com/
Please feel free to check out the new site and post comments for any inspiration, books, etc that you have come across that you think I would enjoy. (Any little bit of support will help keep me going all the longer).
I will still post everyday life stuff here, and will do a quick update on my raw again in 2010 progress, so please keep checking back.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Christmas Time!
I was getting totally bummed out because Christmas was around the corner and I was not feeling the seasonal rush what-so-ever. My sister had moved away from me just in time for the holidays and I didn't have any Christmas decorations at all in my house. The only Christmas-y thing I did this season was to help Jesse (the boyfriend) put up his University of Tennessee Christmas tree that he loves so much.... Yes it is a White tree with orange ornaments, pom poms, and football ornaments. LOL. It is quite breath-taking.... and you can interpret that anyway you would like. lol.
You really would have thought that I was picking out a house, with how long it took me to decided what kind of ornaments I was going to get. Lowe's didn't have a huge selection and I didn't want a very tacky looking tree. So I decided to go with the Apple Theme.
I found a tree stick full of apples then I found complimenting red and gold ornaments. I didn't find a tree topper because everything looked cheesy, but I did find mini red bells that I was able to hang all around the tree and all the way to the very top.
Anyhow, I went to a work Christmas party at a nice restaurant in downtown Chattanooga. That got me feeling a little bit better. At the Christmas party the owner of the company got everyone a $50 gift certificate to Lowe's. I was really bummed out about it and asked Jesse "What the freak (trying not to actually curse anymore) and I going to do with a Lowe's gift certificate. So the next day I was feeling like I would go and look to see if I could get plants to do my terrariums.... Yeah, the ditzy Floridian in me did not take into account that it is winter and Tennesee... so all plants are practically dead (except for orchids and other ones that were kept in the humid indoor garden area. So that was a little bit of a bummer, but as I was walking around outside and freezing my bum off, I passed the christmas tree section and stopped short! They had mini christmas tress that were real! I know I should probably be very upset that a baby tree was cut down to be stuffed into a house, but honestly, The tree was too cute not to adore and I had to have it. It was only $15! SO I got the tree and then made my way to the ornaments sections.

I got home and put my tree together, and am very happy to say that I love the result! It really worked to put me into the Christmas spirit.
I am also filling my movie watching regime with Christmas movies. I am planning on watching National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (I have never seen it). I will have to find a Christmas Story so I can watch that. I have recently watched Love Actually (a wonderful movie for those of you who have not seen it), and I am going to sit down and watch It's a Wonderful Life. I have never seen the whole thing.... last year was actually the first time I had ever seen any of it, and it was the very end. I feel that at 25 years old... (soon to be 26 right after Christmas) this is a shame. So I will be watching the whole thing. I will make Jesse sit and watch it with me! :) He is a good boyfriend, and does not usually gripe about what kind of movies we watch... as long as they arent musicals. What is it with guys and singing?
So It is Christmas time again and though it has taken me a little bit to get into the swing of things, I am ready to go all out!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Raw Food- "Take 1" analysis
I did a little thinking and brainstorming..... The question on my mind was.... "How did I fall off of my raw diet?" I thought that this was important to go over before I dedicated myself to going 100% raw again. The reason being is that 1). If I don't recognize the elements that caused me to slip up then I could possibly slip up again, and 2). The detox symptoms are too severe going 100% raw that I do not want to repeat them again after my next round. I would like trial 2 to be the last/successful attempt at going 100% raw.
-So some things I have learned about my eating habits..... I eat when I am bored. I eat when I am stressed. I let others influence my eating. I have a big "comfort food" Problem (craving something warm and full of carbs), and I am addicted to Ice Cream.
The thing is, is that all of those cravings that I do have can ben satisfied through the raw diet. That was never an issue. I liked the food and I loved experimenting in the kitchen with prepping.
My huge problem was when I started dating. I know that may sound strange... but when you are getting to know someone how do you say to them "Oh I am sorry, I dont eat meat and I don't eat anything cooked..... So where would you like to go out to eat?" So to soothe the awkwardness that explaining my eating preferences would cause; I would go off my diet just for the date. Well, like so many have said... once you go off, it is like a snowball rolling down-hill-- and it doesnt take long to undo all of the hard work that was once done.
So the main thing to do it to start over. Do my reasearch again and make sure that I know everything that I need to know about going raw. My first attempt was a little haphazard. I watched and read the Alissa Cohen DVD and Book, looked online and read the stories of Angela Stokes and others... and was like. I can do that! Though I believe that was the right attitude, it was probably not the best timing or informed decision. I didn't know where to start and just flew by the seat of my pants.
In my recent search I have found Wendi and Jim Dee. Their success story is awesome and their website is even better. http://www.purejeevan.com/. She also has two eBooks for free... "Raw Foods 101"; and "Raw Food Recipes." Both of these are excellent! If you are looking for good motivation and a how to starting point you should check this out.
I have decided to start looking for raw food groups on the Chattanooga area. IF you know of any, please shout at me and let me know. The best way to stay successful with this, for me, is to surround myself with like-minded who will keep my on my path and talk me down from the ledge when I feel like falling off. If there is not a group in Chattanooga, I might see what I can do about starting one up. Just to get together and talk and go over things... then maybe once a month meeting for a potluck or something. Who knows, but it is an idea worth keeping right now.
My other thing that i am going to do is to keep myself busy. There are a lot of things that I want to get done. I want to work on my paintings... Maybe get an etsy shop up and going. My sister gave me her old sewing machine... so maybe it is time to try that out. I have knitting projects that I need to work on, and I have recently found a new love for terrariums that I am going to explore. I figure that While I am shrinking, I can watch things grow in my place. :) I am also going to make polymer clay figures to put in the terrariums. I figure with all of this craftiness going on it will be hard to think about food.

A couple Terrariums that I love. :)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Having a Hard Time
So Getting back on track has been harder than I would have imagined. When I first decided to gow raw, I just did it. I went 100% over night and ran with it. It was awesome and I felt great. Then for some reason I let boys, stress, and money issues throw me off track. I have recognized the issue and have stated that I need to get back on track, so when then is it so hard to get back to 100% raw when I know how easy it can be? I have this horrible little voice in my head saying.... "Just wait until after the holidays." I hate that voice! It is basically telling me.... "Just wait until you gain another 8 pounds that you released!" I am so mad at myself for letting myself go again.
I am working with a woman now that is motivating me to get back on track and she too is going raw, so I am thinking that between the two of us and the support that we can give each other I will be able to stay on track this time. I am cleaning out my cabinets and going grocery shopping this weekend. Hopefully I will have so fun stuff to post as far as recipes go and things that I am doing to keep me busy.
I have been writing a lot, so that has been a great distraction from food. :) I also just got an exercise bike. So I set that up in my living room in front of the TV and I will ride for a while while I watch a movie. The exercise is what needs to really happen right now. I am starting to feel a little sluggish again and I am bruising really easily. So I need to get he blood circulating again! Between the bike and my Gazelle I should be in good shape. It is too cold in the mornings to go out for a walk so hopefully this will help.
I have a recipe for raw cheese that I will be making. If I do it right I might be able to crackers out of it. We will see how that works out.
I will post more and update on my progess soon. :)
I am working with a woman now that is motivating me to get back on track and she too is going raw, so I am thinking that between the two of us and the support that we can give each other I will be able to stay on track this time. I am cleaning out my cabinets and going grocery shopping this weekend. Hopefully I will have so fun stuff to post as far as recipes go and things that I am doing to keep me busy.
I have been writing a lot, so that has been a great distraction from food. :) I also just got an exercise bike. So I set that up in my living room in front of the TV and I will ride for a while while I watch a movie. The exercise is what needs to really happen right now. I am starting to feel a little sluggish again and I am bruising really easily. So I need to get he blood circulating again! Between the bike and my Gazelle I should be in good shape. It is too cold in the mornings to go out for a walk so hopefully this will help.
I have a recipe for raw cheese that I will be making. If I do it right I might be able to crackers out of it. We will see how that works out.
I will post more and update on my progess soon. :)
Friday, November 06, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Back On Track!
So as many of you have messaged me about it........I know that you are well aware..... that I have not posted in a while. lol.
I have also finished my shrug that I was working on! yay! It fits perfect believe it or not. So for that I am grateful. I would have been very sad if I finished knitting that and it was too big, but the goal is for it to be too big this time next year. It is made from the yarn "Classy" by Dream In Color. It really is a great shrug and a very easy pattern to follow. I have gotten a lot of compliments on it so far.
I want to lie to you and say that life has been so busy that I have been unable to keep you up to date with all of the fabulous things going on. lol
The truth of the matter is that I got laid off of my job and things snowballed from there. It was too expensive to stay on the raw diet so I have been off of it for a bit. It makes me sad that it is cheaper to eat in a less healthy fashion. What sense does that make?
Anyway.... I am going back on track, so please stick with me. I will be posting new recipes and even a few cooked vegan ones that I will be making on an occasion.
How I am feeling.... Not so great. I mean I don't feel awful, but that energy and happy go lucky outlook that I had every day when I was on the raw diet.... yea, its not there. My heart burn has returned and my fingers are swollen again in the morning. I think that this is important to share to anyone who is on the raw diet and thinking about going off. Yes, the raw diet can seem restricting and overwhelming, but your heath benefits in the long run are well worth the effort. I have gained about about 7 pounds in the month that I have been off this diet completely. So I am starting over and I am very excited about it.
I have found a new job, and it is going great so far. I am working with a woman who is a vegetarian and she is very interested in raw foods, so that is really helping me get back on track.

I am sorry if I have disappointed you all, but know that I will be back and I will be on track. Please stick with me.
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