Thursday, March 11, 2010

Found a Job

So I found another job. I was offered a position with Up Communications... They do the satellite installations for Dish Network. I got a job being a warehouse inventory assistant. I am actually pretty excited about the position. It is a lot of work and it require a lot of physical activity. I think it will be good for me. I really dislike sitting in an office all day. It allows for too many distractions and too much free time to snack and eat things that I shouldn't. Anyways...The pay is better than I was making, I get 100% of my benefits paid for, and I will be working a 4 days on and 3 days off schedule. I think in the long run it will be really good. I had to go for my drug test yesterday, so after they get the results of that in they will schedule a date for me to start working. I think my schedule might be from Sunday-Wednesday. 40 hours a week. So that is pretty fantastic.
In the meantime I am trying to keep busy. I have been knitting and am currently working on the sleeves to my sweater. :) Maybe I will get this thing done by the time next winter rolls around. haha.
I have also been working on my mother's christmas present. It is gorgeous and I think that she will really like it. I am going to have to get a new digital camera so that I can take pictures of all of these projects and post them. My phone camera is just crap. lol. So once I get a steady paycheck going again, and I get some money saved up, I will get a camera and start posting pictures that are worth looking at. :)
I have tried a few more raw recipes as well that I want to post pictures of, so I will be doing that soon too.
Keep checking back! Things are about to get better all around!


  1. Horay! See, told you you'd end up with more than one offer! Congrats again!

  2. Great news on the new job. Sounds like it will be more of a fit for you. Moving around a warehouse will be good for you - when I stopped doing that I gained 30 lbs. Still trying to get rid of that.

  3. xxoo Angie Baby!! miss the crap outta you!

  4. Congratulations! The new job sounds great!
