Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Strawberry Picking

A couple of weeks ago I decided that I wanted to go and pick strawberries. I went online and found that I had a U-Pick place about 5 minutes from my house! How lucky was that. So I went and had a great time. I wish that I could have brought my nieces. I don't know if they have ever been to a farm, but I know they would have had a really good time. They had a little school going for the little kids where the owner was taking them around showing them all of the different things they grew there, and how to tell when the fruit was ready to be picked and so on. It was so cute to see them all running around. One of the little boys got stung by a bee though and it nearly broke my heart!

So I have been strawberry picking before, but not since I was a little girl. This was my first experience, and I have to say that I will be going back. Strawberries are over, but the blueberries and blackberries should be ready to pick soon. The Name of the farm was Crabtree Farm, and I really have to admit that it was so beautiful there. I can't wait to go back. The prices were not bad at all, much better than you pay at the produce stand, and everyone was super friendly. So as long as you do not mind sweating a little and getting dirty, I would totally say, Go with your family or by yourself! Hopefully I will be back this week... we shall see.

I have almost depleted my supply of fresh strawberries... That really makes me sad. I thought I would be good for a little bit with how many I was able to find. Guess it is back to the grocery store and produce stand for the time being.... though they wont be as pretty as the ones I picked myself... though I am probably bias. lol.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


So I have finally hit a plateau.... This really sucks!

I am not too sure what to do, but I will have to figure something out. I have not lost any weight in two weeks now... and whats most frustrating is I am only 3 pounds away from my goal of being under 200 pounds.

I told myself I was not going to blog again until I could tell everyone that I ws finally under 200 pounds, but I dont know how long it is going to take me to get off of this plateau.

I guess all I can do is to just push through it and hope that I start losing again soon.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

43 Days Raw

I have been raw for 43 days! Can you believe how amazing that sounds!!!

I am feeling great, my clothes are getting very baggy on me, and I am able to fit in some things that I have not been able to pull the tag off of in years. That is fantastic.

I am starting to feel like a whole new person. My face is getting clearer and clearer week by week, and it is noticeably thinner. They guys at work have told me that I am looking great!(and for guys that says a lot that they even noticed). I am so close to my goals that I am obsessed now with seeing them through! I am going to do this and I am going to rock at it!

My brother-in-law surprised me yesterday. I was sitting at his house and he told me that he was telling the girls at work (I used to work at the same place as he does) that I was doing well and that I have lost so much weight. He told them that I am not dieting per say, but that I have changed the way I eat completely, and that he doesn't know if he could do it, but that I was doing great at it! That really meant a lot to me. Mark never says anything that he doesn't mean, and this is the first time that he has ever mentioned my progress to me. I must be on the right track.

So Last week I got my heavy duty Gazelle exercise machine. I love it! I sweat like crazy on it and I really think that it is doing the job! My weigh-in today was better than it has been in weeks.
So here are the results:
Current Weight: 204.2 pounds
Weight Loss for the week: 4.2 pounds
Total Weight Loss for the 43 days: 26.8 pounds.

I am totally pumped with the results and have a whole new focus. I might even be under the 200 pound mark next week! I hope so! All I know is that it is NOT far away at all.

So come back soon, check on my progress, and hopefully later today or tomorrow I will have postings of my domestic life from last week (picking strawberries and adventures with my new raw book!)

Thank you everyone for all of your support! I wouldn't have gotten this far without it.

Friday, June 05, 2009

Weigh In and More....

So Another week is Done. Time seems to be flying by. I can't believe it. I have now done over a month raw. That still seems so unreal to me.

Today is the 35th day. I weighed in this morning at 208.4 pounds. That is a weekly total of 2.6 pounds. And an overall total of 22.6 pounds. Not too bad. I am noticing that the weight loss is starting to taper down. Each week I am losing less and less. I guess that makes sense. You body does eventually hit a plateau. I am going to step up the exercising bit. I am getting a Gazelle today. I am very excited about it. I have been trying to clear room for a little workout corner in my apartment. I think I almost have it. lol. So hopefully that will help me out a lot. I have decided to give the progress photos a break for a few weeks. I will just try to post them at monthly intervals now. So hopefully the next photos I post will be at day 60.

I got a new book! I am so excited. I finally had to give the Alissa Cohen book and DVD back to my friend April. I figured that I had had it over a month, so it was time. lol. So I got my very own book. I decided to go with the book Raw Food Real World. I am loving it. It has so many colorful pages, pictures of recipe in the book, and a lot of informational things. I am very happy with it. Sarma, the lady who coauthored the book, has a 2nd edition on coming out this month. I am going to have to refrain from buying it until I get my use out of this one. lol. I will post my cooking adventure from my new book as I go through it. I foresee some interesting outcomes.