Saturday, May 02, 2009

My Story

I'm a Fat Girl....There really is not a nicer way to put it... I can say that I am chubby, I am carrying a few extra pounds, curvaceous, what have you... but the simple truth is that I am fat... and much bigger than I should be.
I don't look into the mirror everyday and say how ugly I am, there are certain qualities about myself that I like such as my eyes, lips and even the overall shape of my face.... but my stomach is not something that I cherish.

I have always been a big girl, but since graduating college, I have steadily gotten bigger.So this is where I am at... I am 25 years old and I am tired of looking down in the shower and seeing my belly. I am tired of having to shop at the big girls’ stores and then getting frustrated because I can still see my love handles when I look in the mirror. I am tired of seeing skinny clothes in the mall and wishing that I could fit one leg into them. Most of all, I am tired of squeezing my fast ass into body shapers so that I can look semi-decent in the clothes that I am trying to wear.
I am tired of feeling my hips brush the arms of chairs as I sit down, I am tired of turning around in a store and having my butt knock something or even someone over (yes that has happened). I am tired of the looking at the healthy and fit people walking downtown and thinking… I wish I had the motivation to get out and do that!
Damn it! I can do it!!!
I have decided that it is time to do something. It is time to take my life and my health back into my own hands. There is no more being ashamed of me…. This is what I am, it is not great and that is why I am fixing it. It is a goal I have made for me, and I have no shame is sharing it with everyone who wants to know.
My heaviest weight.... 238.3 pounds
My current weight.... 231.0 (as of this morning)
My overall goal for weight... around 150 pounds.
My short term weight goal... under 200 pounds by Christmas.
Major issues I have experienced from being over weight... Shortness of breath, high blood pressure, chest pains, pre-diabetes, poor circulation in my arms and legs, restless sleep, and chronic snoring, swollen feet and hands, poor eyesight, Dark circles under my eyes, arms and legs go painfully numb, terrible heart burn, painful gas, and my face constantly breaks out and has dark marks all over it.

How I plan to make this happen!
By changing my overall lifestyle.Right now I eat a little breakfast, and decent lunch, and dinner until I feel like I am going to explode... Not to mention all of the snacks I have at work during the day. I have no actual exercise in my day besides playing with my nieces about twice a week.I plan on throwing all of my old bad habits out the window and switching to a Raw lifestyle. I have read and read on the subject and I am convinced that this is worth trying. I have Alissa Cohen's book Living on Live Food, and I super impressed with it. I have read numerous blogs, and I have decided to give it at least a 30 day trial period... while recording the results.So hopefully I make progress.
Before (Angela Cooked)


  1. Wow...that takes some serious guts. My husband has done 30 day raw fasts a couple of times, and just from fixing food for him and having to remember to keep raw ingredients stocked (more than some carrots and celery lol) is a huge undertaking...Congratulations and God bless on your endeavor!!

  2. I love you, beautiful Angie Baby!

  3. I posted as Anon cuz I didn't have any other ID...HEIDI
