I have been raw for
43 days! Can you believe how amazing that sounds!!!
I am feeling great, my clothes are getting very baggy on me, and I am able to fit in some things that I have not been able to pull the tag off of in years. That is fantastic.
I am starting to feel like a whole new person. My face is getting clearer and clearer week by week, and it is noticeably thinner. They guys at work have told me that I am looking great!(and for guys that says a lot that they even noticed). I am so close to my goals that I am obsessed now with seeing them through! I am going to do this and I am going to rock at it!
My brother-in-law surprised me yesterday. I was sitting at his house and he told me that he was telling the girls at work (I used to work at the same place as he does) that I was doing well and that I have lost so much weight. He told them that I am not dieting per say, but that I have changed the way I eat completely, and that he doesn't know if he could do it, but that I was doing great at it! That really meant a lot to me. Mark never says anything that he doesn't mean, and this is the first time that he has ever mentioned my progress to me. I must be on the right track.
So Last week I got my heavy duty Gazelle exercise machine. I love it! I sweat like crazy on it and I really think that it is doing the job! My weigh-in today was better than it has been in weeks.
So here are the results:
Current Weight: 204.2 pounds
Weight Loss for the week: 4.2 pounds
Total Weight Loss for the 43 days: 26.8 pounds.
I am totally pumped with the results and have a whole new focus. I might even be under the 200 pound mark next week! I hope so! All I know is that it is NOT far away at all.
So come back soon, check on my progress, and hopefully later today or tomorrow I will have postings of my domestic life from last week (picking strawberries and adventures with my new raw book!)
Thank you everyone for all of your support! I wouldn't have gotten this far without it.